9th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X
Marc Böhlen
Classification, Slippage, Failure and Discovery
Fabrizio Augusto Poltronieri and Alex Heilmair
Synthetic Images and Creative AI: A discussion on the nature and production of images in the era of deep learning
André Santos, Tiago Martins and João Correia
Creating Artistic Geographical Maps with Neural Style Transfer
Gaspar Cohen
@#D: Face-Filters, Satisfying Videos and Socio-spatial Justice
Moderator: Mario Verdicchio
Tuesday, July 13 at 14h CEST
Elizabeth Wilson, Shawn Lawson, Alex Mclean & Jeremy Stewart
Autonomous Creation of Musical Pattern from Types and Models in Live Coding
Bjarni Gunnarsson
Synthesis and Operation Flows
Stefano Kalonaris, Robin Renwick and Iannis Zannos
Poking Holes: Distributed Ambivalence and Aesthetics in Sound Networks
Nicola Privato and Alberto Novello
Generative Scores and Data Mining: W.E.I.R.D. Enters the Stage
Moderator: David Pirrò
Wednesday, July 14 at 14h CEST
Andrew Sidsworth
Making the Computational Physical Through Digital Craftsmanship
Marinos Koutsomichalis and Alexia Achilleos
Cyprus as AI Saw It: Digital Colonialism and AttnGAN Text to Image Synthesis
Daniel Bisig
Granular Dance
Kit Kuksenok and Marisa Satsia
Know thy Flesh: What Multi-disciplinary Contemporary Art Teaches Us about Building Body Knowledge
Moderator: André Rangel
Thursday, July 15 at 14h CEST
André Silva and Marilia Lyra Bergamo
Digital Doilies: Iterative Behavior as a Poetic Strategy
Dejan Grba
Brittle Opacity: Ambiguities of the Creative AI
Jorge Forero Rodríguez
Code, Poetry and Freedom
Moderator: Luísa Ribas
Friday, July 16 at 14h CEST
Julia Uhr
Art, Nature, and the Sublime in Virtual Reality
Hanns Holger Rutz and Nayarí Castillo
Three Spaces
Ludwig Zeller and Martin Rumori
Sonic Imagination. Notes on the Fictionality of Spatial Sound
Pedro Ferreira and Luísa Ribas
Off the digital: neo-analogue hybrids
Moderator: Miguel Carvalhais
Wednesday, July 14 at 15h CEST
Corneel Cannaerts and Michiel Helbig
Algorithmic Eyes: Probing the Visual Cultures of the Technosphere
João Pedro Ribeiro, Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Cardoso
A Taxonomy of the Simulation of the Depth of Field Effect in Videogames
Pedro Silva, Pedro Martins and Penousal Machado
Personal Instants
Ana Matilde Sousa
Of Sparkle-vomit and Base Materialism: Field Notes on Blingee GIFs
Moderator: Jason Reizner
Friday, July 16 at 16h CEST