As if They Were Flowers: A Virtual Multimodal Exhibition
Keywords: Artistic Research, Autonomous Systems, Exhibition, Virtual Worlds

Autonome Systeme (AS) is a sound and media art project hosted and carried out 2020-2021 by the Graz-based platform for net art The project questions the positioning of systems with 'autonomous qualities' in music and art making. It engages with the liminalities between autonomy and automation, whole and parts, observer and observed, systems and environments, and looks for the artistic affordances of the space in between them. AS culminates with an exhibition in July 2021 that gathers artworks developed by a group of five young artists confronting these themes. Under the title as if they were flowers, the exhibition will feature various types of artefacts in both the sound and visual domains that are presented physically in an art space in Graz as well as online in a dedicated virtual reality environment.